
Benzyl Chloroformate

Product name: Benzyl Chloroformate
CAS No.: 501-53-1
Structural formula:

Alias : Benzyl Chloroformate Alias : Benzyl Chloroformate ; Benzyl Chloroformate
Molecular Formula: C8H7ClO2
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Property: Colorless oily liquid with rancid smell.
Boiling point: 103℃ (2666Pa)
Relative density: 1.20
Refractive index: 1.5160
Flash point: 91℃
Solubility: soluble in organic solvents such as ether, acetone, benzene, etc.
Uses: Used as amino protective agent in the synthesis of antibiotics, and also used in pesticide intermediates.
Content: ≥98%

  Last: Carbonochloridic acid, phenyl ester
  Next: Isopropyl chloroformate solution

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